However different Christmas this year might look, it will still happen. Christmas isn’t cancelled. Yet for some it feels as if it is, now that we’ve moved into tier 4. Plans have been upended; family visits postponed. So much has changed. Plus there’s the added fear about the new strain of coronavirus. I know personally how frustrating/upsetting/anxiety-making this all feels.
How do we find ‘the joy, peace, hope and love’ in the midst of all this mess? I think we have to look with different eyes at where we find ourselves. Instead of mourning our loss of freedom and change of plans, we need to try and celebrate what we do have.
We’re so fortunate to live where we live, with access to fresh air, clean water and beautiful countryside to exercise in, right on our doorstep. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s shown us what really matters in life – kindness, neighbourliness, hugs!
You may have heard that our church services are all now cancelled, too. BUT, we are offering those same services online! I know it’s not the same, but we can still worship, and celebrate, and relive the Christmas story together! ALL our services can be found on YouTube at
Christmas Eve: Christingle, 4pm; Holy Communion, 8pm. Christmas Day: Holy Communion, 10am.
You don’t even have to be dressed to watch! And you can choose a time to suit you (once they’ve gone live, of course.)
Also, on Christmas Day Tollesbury Congregational Church are having a zoom gathering at 11am, and welcome all Christians who’d like to drop in for a ‘brief greet and quick prayer time’ and wish others a Happy Christmas.
Here’s the link:
It may not be the Christmas we’d hoped for, but together we can make it one we’ll never forget!
Every blessing to you all this Christmas,
Reverend Sarah Clare